Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Early on monday our crew took a trip to Horse pens, I was really psyched to get on climbs I haven't been on in a while!! As I rolled up and turned into HP I drove into a cloud. You couldn't see thirty feet in front of you at first. Most of the top outs were soaked. Perfect climbing conditions. After setting up our tents, the weather started to slightly clear up. I warmed up super well by running some laps on the Wasp and than doing a cool V5 behind it. Than we headed to the redneck boulder where I did redneck V6/7 and missing the point V7. After that we headed to the Slider area. The top half of the boulder was pretty wet, but covered in good holds. My Sarah ended up sending cuts like a knife V5 easy!!!! I proceeded to send Cuts low V7 and Litz Pocket V8. I was feeling pretty decent at this point and decided to try Caddilac Thrills V9. Last year I couldn't do the second move and this year I was slipping off of the last wet good side pull. A bit bummed but psyched to come back this upcoming weekend. Afterwards I did the Sierzant Problem V7 and than cooled down.

Daniel Bakos sending his project 1st go of the day, Redneck V6/7, and me helping moraly.....

Missing the Point V7

Sarah wounded and mean muggin due to the sharpness of Cuts like a Knife V5

Sarah Bain Sending Cuts like a Knife!!!!!!!!!!

Me attempting Cadillac Thrills only to fall at the last wet hold four times

Fun trip psyched to head back!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats on all the sending man...